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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompt #14
What are some questions and concerns you have about growing up and adulthood?
       I know we have to go through somethings while we are growing up, but what are those things? and does everybody have to necessarily go through some of the same things? Another question is how are we supposed to know when and what to do when we grow up? Should we even try to grow up at all? Do we have to?
       Is growing up a requirement or a choice? What are the expectations of adulthood?

What are some important realizations and/or epiphanies that you have had about yourself, family, friends and the world overall? How did you arrive at these realizations?

  •        Most people kind of thinks the worst of themselves: they're too ugly, they're not good enough, nobody cares about them, blah blah blah. 
                I actually believe that people do this, actually I've witnessed it. I know a lot of people that have just given up on themselves and nothing you say can change their minds. I mean maybe they are just fishing for compliments but I don't know I think that people really need to stop with all of that. If you really think that about yourself, you need to change that, you have to be good for something.
What is rebellion? Why do so many young people "rebel"? Is rebellion a necessary element of growing up?
       I think rebellion is when you know you are supposed to do one thing but you do the other just to annoy people and see what they do. I mean.
       I think young people rebel because they feel like they don't have enough freedom and that is a big way of getting attention, even if the attention is bad.They also might have a problem with authority. I am one of those people that if I don't want to do something, I won't do it, and if  I do do it, I'll do it halfway and with a "slight" attitude. So the people who rebel also just might not want to do what they are told. But then after a while ( im not there yet) they'll finally see that what they are doing is not the right way, even if they think it is.
       I think that in some cases rebelling is a good thing because it gives the person a chance to experience that what they are doing is wrong. They'll just learn the hard way.

How do family and friends influence are coming of age?
       I think family and friends influence our coming of age a whole lot and in many different ways. Because sometimes they'll try to save you from certain things that you are probably not supposed to be saved from and it will mess up the natural flow of things.
       You might have some bad friends who will lead you into things that will force you to grow up and learn the hard way like smoking and drinking. Or you might have some good friends who who will lead you into other things that will also force you grow up like hard decisions about your future. Your family on the other hand will always try to keep you from things but it doesn't always work out.
       So really I think that they have the biggest impact on you and your life. There will be examples and bad examples, so you have to choose who to listen to.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Reading Response To: Sweet Dates in Basra

The coming of age book that I picked is, Sweet Date in Basra by Jessica Jiji. So far I really like most of the book, just not the aspect of the main character, Kathmiya, having to be s slave/worker, to pick up the slack for everybody else in her family. I also don't like the fact that she can't get married because her dad favors her sister of her.

This book is about this girl named Kathmiya Mahmoud who has to work as a maid in an unfamiliar town of Basra. They say that "her only asset is her exquisite beauty, and that brings her more peril than peace". But then this Jewish boy named Shafiq kind of turns her world upside down. From what I've read so far, he is the only one who brings her warmth besides her mother Jamilia. She likes to hang out with him and of course he thinks she is extraordinarily beautiful. But he understands her in a way.

So right now what is going on in the book I don't really like it just yet. I mean it's interesting but it's kind of sad. I think that first Kathmiya's dad needs to stop being so stuck up and annoying. He doesn't even appreciate what she does for the family. Kahmiya's sister needs to stop being a b****. She's always telling Kathmiya that she feels sorry for her that she doesn't get to get married, but you can tell she doesn't mean it. She also treats Kathmiya more like a slave than a sister. So she needs to stop. Now her mom, I like her just fine. She treats her like a daughter. She give Kathmiya love and respect and I like her for that.

Now Shafiq on the other hand has a nice life. He has a mom and dad and brother who loves him, and a friend that loves him like a brother, " I love you like a brother" Omar said. He doesn't have to work at all for anything he does. So compared to Kathmiya he is living the sweet life. 

He really likes Kathmiya and he wants to marry her but he is shy boy and he knows that she might not be able to marry at all. So he does the slightest things that he thinks might make her happy, like teach her how to read and write, so that they can write notes to each other.

Now I think that they should be able to love each other without having to hide it but they can't because their parents are bums. So they are forced to grow up the hard way. They are treated like adults on some things but then like children  on others, which I think is really unfair. I mean it is like the carpet from their childhood was ripped out from under them, and they can't really get back up.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Writing Prompt # 2

What are the main similarities and differences of childhood and adulthood?


You have a whole lot of responsibility
You sometimes get respect but then sometimes you don't
You don't depend on your parents
You have to work for what you get
You have so much to worry about unless you're a couch potato

You don't have a lot of responsibilty
You don't have a lot of respect
You still depend on your parents
You are carefree and you don't have to worry about anything

You will always have people who love you and want to be around
You always will always be someone to somebody
You will always be you no matter what.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Coming of Age Reading Response

The coming of age book that I picked is, Sweet Date in Basra by Jessica Jiji. So far I really like most of the book, just not the aspect of the main character, Kathmiya, having to be s slave/worker, to pick up the slack for everybody else in her family. I also don't like the fact that she can't get married because her dad favors her sister of her.

This book is about this girl named Kathmiya Mahmoud who has to work as a maid in an unfamiliar town of Basra. They say that her only asset is her exquisite beauty, and that brings her more peril than peace. But then this Jewish boy named Shafiq kind of turns her world upside down. From what I've read so far, he is the only one who brings her warmth besides her mother Jamilia. She likes to hang out with him and of course he thinks she is extraodinarily beautiful. But he understands her in a way.

So right now what is going on in the book I don't really like it just yet. I mean it's interesting but it's kind of sad. I think that first Kathmiya's dad needs to stop being so stuck up and annoying. He doesn't even appreciate what she does for the family. Kahmiya's sister needs to stop being a b****. She's always telling Kathmiya that she feels sorry for her that she doesn't get to get married, but you can tell she doesn't mean it. She also treats Kathmiya more like a slave than a sister. So she needs to stop. Now her mom, I like her just fine. She treats her like a daughter. She give Kathmiya love and respect and I like her for that.